Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ned is three weeks old!

Ned is three weeks old today!! He is doing wonderfully - he is growing and has already reached an adult weight of proud 53 grams, and started growing in feathers. He is increasingly active, alert and goes have a walk in the nest box. I caught him today sitting in front of the nest hole and peaking outside - little boy is curious!

Dad Juju is taking a really good care of him. He grooms and feeds Ned, and today he pushed Ned away from the nest hole as if he was saying  "you are not ready for this buddy!". This is adorable!! 

Mom and dad are really close and lovely with each other. Juju and Didi are not so long together, only three months, so they grew a lot towards each other during this nest. So there is a lot of lovebird kissing and chirping going on at the moment! Love is in the air!!

Ned is most probably a boy - his eyes appear both brown and red, which indicates him being a carrier of both pallid and ino genes - this combination is possible in boys only. He looks more yellow-green compared to his mother, and his back and tail feathers are coming out blue - these are definitely pallid genes kicking in! He will have a red mask, just like his mother, and he is split for aqua, which he got from his father. Here I have a short summary of the gender genetics of yellow lovebirds. 


The March baby will be ready to go to his new family in the first weeks of June. Do you live in Montreal, QC or surroundings, and want to adopt him? Read here before contacting me.


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